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21-03-2018 14:12:49

Loon UV Wader Repair



A quick application of UV Wader Repair fixes the inevitable wader rips, tears or punctures in seconds. It can be used on wet suits, Gore-Tex, spray skirts and similar items as well. Simply apply, expose to UV light and you are back in busines

Repairs pin hole leaks in waders
Works on Gore-tex, neoprene, etc
Cures soft and pliable
Instantly cures with sunlight or UV light

Directions for use:
Determine location of leak in waders (With waders inside out, spray general area with rubbing alcohol. Look for dark spot on the outside of waders). While indoors or shaded from the sun, apply enough UV Wader repair to coat damaged area, as well as the area around each hole. Expose to sun light or use Loon's UV Mini Lamp or UV Power Light to cure. In direct sun (or when using Loon's UV Lights) hardening should take approximately 15 seconds.

Produkt Pris
Loon UV Wader Repair 79,- +


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