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19-09-2019 12:59:59

Piglet Shad 10cm

Piglet Shad er et af de nye medlemer af The Pig familien.
Piglet Shad er lavet til fiskeriet efter Aborre, men det er kun fantasien der sætter grænser.

Det er også en fantastisk mindre shad til fiskeriet efter torsk med bullet weights, som ophænger samt til fiskeri efter gedde og sandart, hvor der ønskes at bruge mindre agn

Piglet Shad har en meget provokerende og rullende gang i vandet med agressiv hale action.

# 017 Motoroil Pepper

# 012 Limetreuse

# 004 Violet

# 014 Ice Shad

#C013 Atomic Chicken

#118 Watermelon Red Flake

Piglet Shad is the newest member of The Pig family. This 4" (10cm) softbait is designed mainly for perch fishing but is a lot more than your "average" softbait. It has some prominent and outstanding characteristics that makes it very special. The Piglet Shad is molded with two densities of PVC. The belly half of the bait is salted which makes it sink belly down with more balance and stability in retrieve. The rounded paddle tail of the Piglet Shad results in a slight belly-flash. If you want a more steady swing to it, trim the upper and lower part of the paddle with a pair of scissors. It also has a swimming action created by the articulated tail section of the body. Piglet Shad has a slot in the back as well as in the belly for easy rigging and higher hook-up ratio when texas rigged. An offset hook of size 3/0 is the perfect size. Piglet Shad is also a perfect softbait to rig with a jig head, we recommend a hook size of 4/0 or 5/0. Piglet Shad is created in an Eco-friendly production with minimal ecological footprints. The PVC plastic used is Phthalate-free and odorless.

Længde: 10cm.

Vægt: 7-8g.

Piglet Shad
Model / str. Vejl. Pris JoF pris
CWC Piglet Shad 10cm 6pk. col. C004 Violet 95,- 75,- +
CWC Piglet Shad 10cm 6pk. col. C012 Limetreuse 95,- 75,- +
CWC Piglet Shad 10cm 6pk. col. C013 Atomic Chicken 95,- 75,- +
CWC Piglet Shad 10cm 6pk. col. C014 Ice Shad 95,- 75,- +
CWC Piglet Shad 10cm 6pk. col. C017 Motoroil Pepper 95,- 75,- +
CWC Piglet Shad 10cm 6pk. col. C118 Watermelon Red Flake 95,- 75,- +


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