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29-01-2025 13:18:22

Savage Gear Seeker ISP Loose Scale

Helt suverænt rotations blink fra Savage Gear. Kaster godt, rotere godt, ja det fisker bare generelt godt. Vi fører disse i 16, 23 og 28g. 
Leveres som på billedet med en enkeltkrog og en trekrog. 


Farve: Motoroil

Farve: Brown Copper

Farve: Black Red

Farve: Herring

Farve: Sandeel


Producentens beskrivelse: 
The Seeker lure is designed for ultra distance casting, even in windy conditions. The blade design allows the lure to swim very lively and erratically with the most incredible 360-degree rotation on the slightest spin-stop – creating an incredible flash in the water.Each lure comes with an ultra-sharp Savage Gear Y-treble hook and a wide-gape beak point lure single hook – so the angler can choose which hook is best for the situation.The lure benefits from our Intense Strike Point (ISP) technology – by filling pre-drilled holes on the lure’s body with the strong night Glow and UV epoxy pasta, we have been able to create the most intense strike points you have ever seen.The ISPs draw in the seatrout and seabass and they hit the lure hard right in the tail section where the hook is – ensuring a superb hookup rate.


Super long cast design

360-rotation on spin-stop

Intense Strike Point (ISP) technology

Ultra-sharp single and treble hooks supplied

Superb catch rate

87mm: ST36#4BN, S1X #4/0 

98mm ST36#4BN, S1X #4/0

100mm ST36#4BN, SG1X #4/0




Allan Christiansen Tail-bait
Model / str. J & F pris
Savage Gear Seeker ISP Loose Scale kystblink - 87mm / 16g - Farve: Black Red 59,- +
Savage Gear Seeker ISP Loose Scale kystblink - 87mm / 16g - Farve: Brown Copper 59,- +
Savage Gear Seeker ISP Loose Scale kystblink - 87mm / 16g - Farve: Herring 59,- +
Savage Gear Seeker ISP Loose Scale kystblink - 87mm / 16g - Farve: Motoroil 59,- +
Savage Gear Seeker ISP Loose Scale kystblink - 87mm / 16g - Farve: Sandeel 59,- +
Savage Gear Seeker ISP Loose Scale kystblink - 98mm / 23g - Farve: Black Red 59,- +
Savage Gear Seeker ISP Loose Scale kystblink - 98mm / 23g - Farve: Brown Copper 59,- +
Savage Gear Seeker ISP Loose Scale kystblink - 98mm / 23g - Farve: Herring 59,- +
Savage Gear Seeker ISP Loose Scale kystblink - 98mm / 23g - Farve: Motoroil 59,- +
Savage Gear Seeker ISP Loose Scale kystblink - 98mm / 23g - Farve: Sandeel 59,- +
Savage Gear Seeker ISP Loose Scale kystblink - 100mm / 28g - Farve: Black Red 69,- +
Savage Gear Seeker ISP Loose Scale kystblink - 100mm / 28g - Farve: Brown Copper 69,- +
Savage Gear Seeker ISP Loose Scale kystblink - 100mm / 28g - Farve: Herring 69,- +
Savage Gear Seeker ISP Loose Scale kystblink - 100mm / 28g - Farve: Motoroil 69,- +
Savage Gear Seeker ISP Loose Scale kystblink - 100mm / 28g - Farve: Sandeel 69,- +


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