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26-02-2020 17:17:58

Rebel Cell Quick Connect Fishfinder M8 / strømudtag



Hurtigkobling til montering på Rebel Cell eller andre batterier inkl. 60 amp fladsikring, så motoren ikke tager skade, hvis der sker en overbelastning


Det kan ikke lade sig gøre at vende polerne forkert :-)


2 Cables with extra connectors for 1 click connection to fish finder.

Use: for connection your fish finder to the 12V25 or 12V50 Rebelcell Angling li-ion battery.


ATTENTION! Only use the Quick Connect FF cable for the fish finder, do not use it for the E-motor. For connection with you E-motor we have the Quick Connect E-motor cable available.

Rebel Cell Quick Connect Fishfinder M8
Model / str. JoF pis
Rebel Cell Quick Connect Fishfinder M8 / strømudtag 159,- +


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